[..] Parent folder

File Name Size Modified Date
01-Prelude in G major BWV902 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 8.041.461   31/01/2025 01:28
01-Prelude in G major BWV902 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 8.290.304   05/04/2024 07:34
02-Fantasy - Fantasy and Fugue in a minor BWV904 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 3.746.805   31/01/2025 01:28
02-Fantasy - Fantasy and Fugue in a minor BWV904 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.948.544   05/04/2024 07:34
03-Fugue - Fantasy and Fugue in a minor BWV904 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 4.842.485   31/01/2025 01:28
03-Fugue - Fantasy and Fugue in a minor BWV904 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 5.332.992   05/04/2024 07:34
04-Prelude - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.626.549   31/01/2025 01:28
04-Prelude - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.135.488   05/04/2024 07:34
05-Fugue - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 5.018.485   31/01/2025 01:28
05-Fugue - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 5.505.024   05/04/2024 07:34
06-Allegro - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.017.147   31/01/2025 01:27
06-Allegro - Prelude Fugue and Allegro in Eb major BWV998 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 2.430.976   05/04/2024 07:34
07-Overture - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 7.858.130   31/01/2025 01:28
07-Overture - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 8.261.632   05/04/2024 07:34
08-Courante - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.490.280   31/01/2025 01:28
08-Courante - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 2.979.840   05/04/2024 07:34
09-Gavottes I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 3.642.600   31/01/2025 01:27
09-Gavottes I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.819.520   05/04/2024 07:34
10-Passepieds I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.842.212   31/01/2025 01:27
10-Passepieds I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.110.912   05/04/2024 07:34
11-Sarabande - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.954.229   31/01/2025 01:27
11-Sarabande - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.221.504   05/04/2024 07:34
12-Bourrees I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.850.569   31/01/2025 01:27
12-Bourrees I _ II - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.342.336   05/04/2024 07:34
13-Gigue - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 2.781.178   31/01/2025 01:27
13-Gigue - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.272.704   05/04/2024 07:34
14-Echo - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh.mp3 3.439.879   31/01/2025 01:27
14-Echo - Overture in the French style in b minor BWV831 (Johann Sebastian Bach)-Kathleen McIntosh_spoken.mp3 3.643.392   05/04/2024 07:34
cover.jpg 2.290.118   24/02/2011 17:28
cover_200.jpg 7.671   01/04/2024 04:03
cover_50.jpg 1.097   01/04/2024 04:03
kmcintosh-bach_spoken_128.mp3 59.195.392   05/04/2024 07:34

Total folders: 0
Total files: 32
Total size of all files: 176.941.455
Date generated: 31/01/2025 14:32